
How scheduling works

This article covers:

Slack messages Emails Zapier trigger

In general there are four different options to define when the action is triggered - whether it is starting a Zap or sending an email or a Slack message. These options are when enrolled, before the target date, on target date or after target date.

When enrolled

With this option Introist will trigger the action right after the journey has started. This is useful e.g. when you want to send out first message to new hire right after you have the information that they have signed the offer.

Before target date

You can define to trigger the action months, weeks or days before the target date. This is useful e.g. when you want to remind a week before your team that there are new people joining in a week.

By default, Introist will not trigger the action if the scheduled date is in past. This can happen for example if you have an email in your onboarding workflow that should be sent two months before - but the new hire is already starting in a week. You have always option to say that Introist should trigger the action by allowing Introist to schedule the action as soon as possible.

On target date

The action can be triggered on target date as well.

After target date

You can define to trigger the action months, weeks or days after the target date.