Updating data from Google Form responses

Updating data from Google Form responses

If you are just looking to figure out how to find IDs for your questions, go straight to
Finding Google Form question ID

It is typical to have employees fill in various forms during the onboarding and employment. This article outlines the setup steps which enable sending any data (you choose) from Google From responses to Introist.

  1. Create Employee Attributes to Introist
    1. For every piece of information you would like to send, there should be an Employee Attribute in Introist
    2. At the moment, ping your Introist account manager to get these added!
  2. Go to your Google Form editor and click “Script editor” from the menu in the top right corner.
  1. New tab will open with Google App Script editor. Don’t worry, you don’t really need to code anything, just follow these steps!
  2. Copy the script code from this Gist to App Scripts Editor
  3. Modify the required information in the beginning of the script file. Remember to click save!
    1. Finding the questions IDs for your Google Form, take a look at this page
    2. Finding Google Form question ID
    3. Identifier mapping describes how to know which employee to update in Introist. For example if you have an Employee Attribute “Work email” in Introist and your Google Form has a question asking for email, you can use that. You’ll find the variable of your Employee Attributes in Introist Settings.
    4. Update mapping describes what you actually want to update in Introist. Key of the object is the variable of the Employee Attribute to update and the value is the ID of the questions which answer should be updated to that attribute.
    5. Copy your API key from Introist Settings and replace the “YOUR-INTROIST-API-KEY-HERE” with it.
    6. That’s it about the script! One more step is to trigger it whenever the form is submitted
  4. Open “Triggers” from the left menu in the Script Editor
  5. Click “Add Trigger”
  6. Select the values as in the image below, make sure “Select event type” is “On form submit”
  7. image
  8. Click save
  9. Your form is now set up! Every time the form is submitted, the script will send the updates to Introist as configured by identifierMapping and updateMapping.

    To make setting up your integration easier, a good idea is to make a copy of your live Google Form and test the script there. You can setup a test workflow in Introist and make a simple Journey to that workflow to test that submitting the form actually updates the values. When everything is just right, simply follow these steps with your actual form but just copy the script code from your test setup!